Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lucia to Forest 29.12.13

29 December 2013: I missed the Boxing day game, which Forest won 2-0 over QPR, but for the Leeds game, I got a guest ticket, and took Lucia Indah, one of our tall building students - for her first experience of English Football.  She is from Bandung, Java, Indonesia, and is designing a multi tower high rise complex in Rotterdam for David's design studio.

Lucia joined us in Belle and Jerome for coffee.

We had plenty of leftovers from Felix's party to eat for lunch at Peveril.

We decided to do the cooking before the game, and put a number of chicken legs and thighs into the slow cooker with lots of vegetables. It had 6 hours in the cooker and was very very delicious.

We had a seat in the front row of A Block, the noisiest most fanatical section of Forest's crowd, and it was a great atmosphere for someone's first ever game, especially as we were winning. It's lucky we didn't choose the 4th row or the entire game would have been spent standing up! Everyone behind us prefers the 'terrace experience' and everyone behind them has to follow suit.

Lucia's photo of the ground and of her ticket! It is thrilling to see the game at ground level, and we won 2-1 , which pushed Forest up the league table slightly.


28 Dec 2013: Des has a full size snooker table in the basement (the room appears to have been built for this purpose) and we have a couple of games of Pool. Mostly based on oldies against youngies...
DNC lining up for corner pocket, Felix and Des watching
DNC striking the red off the cushion....
Suddenly a sister tries to show older brother how snooker cues should be used!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Felix 18th birthday party

28 Dec 2013: We went to Desmond's house to take part in Felix's 18th birthday party celebration. 
David threatens to pour fruit dessert over Florence (knowing that it is jelly and can't pour, but did she know that?)
The staircase at Salisbury Rd is regularly used for stacked up family photos, so here we are with the birthday boy.
Des makes his father's speech, slightly emotional, as if Felix about to emigrate to Australia....
We don't think he is emigrating :) , although he might try the pub soon, now that he has passed 18.

After most people have gone, the remaining family relax and eat leftovers.... we leave at about 830pm.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nottingham in December

1st December 2013: It's the start of Christmas season and Nottingham now puts on a wonderful show in the Market Square and around Council House.